Locam Gestioni Srl is a Rome-based company that evaluates, acquires and collects non-performing loans (“NPL”), and has been active in the Italian NPL market since 2002. The Firm is active in the residential and commercial mortgage loan market, having acquired a number of secured and unsecured portfolios. Portfolios are usually sourced through bilateral negotiation or limited auctions, with a particular focus on financial entities and small-medium sized banks and financial institutions, often neglected by the larger investors. Seer managed funds own 100% of Locam.



* Seer is a diversified, credit-focused investment firm that primarily invests in broadly distributed fixed income instruments. In limited circumstances, Seer has made direct investments in portfolio companies, which are detailed on our website. The individual portfolio companies described represent Seer’s current investments in such security types. These individual portfolio companies do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold, or recommended in Seer’s portfolios, just the portfolio company investments, and the reader should not assume that investments in the securities identified and discussed were or will be profitable.